The Shadow Goverment Controlling Biden is Ready To Rule Kamala

Will Kamala Be the Next Shadow President? 

By James Terminiello 


When Joe Biden announced that he was withdrawing from the race for re-election, it was a tacit admission that he was not up to the job.  This was no surprise. His detractors had been calling attention to his doddering and erratic performance for years.  Indeed, Donald Trump regularly jabbed him with the moniker “Sleepy Joe” during the 2020 campaign.  

The only real question that no one seems willing or able to answer is how long has it been since His Ancientcy abrogated his presidential responsibilities? The embarrassing June debate was merely the last straw. Reality laid bare. The rumors of his dotage had been flying about for some time and not only in Republican circles.  He still “attended meetings, he made rambling speeches, he replaced statesmanship with the roar of an angry old man, and he was studiously protected from taking questions from reporters. But, even for those shielding him, it became all too obvious that his decline was accelerating and could no longer be hushed up. He was and is a mere shadow of a president. 

Problem: Joe wouldn’t go voluntarily. He and his obnoxious wife made that obvious far too many times. So, a decision had to be made.  But who made it and who applied the pressure? Barack Obama? Jaime Harrison, Chair of the DNC? The billion-dollar tech donors?  The faceless bureaucracy?  I have no inside information. I’ll leave that to the dozens of books that will eventually be written by “experts in the know” exposing the various conspiracies to control and topple the First Geezer.  

Suggested titles: Puppet President ... The Strings of Power ... Did I Say That? ... Pay No Attention to the Man in the Chair ... The Silent Revolution ... The Echo of the Man ... In Name Only ... or Shhhhsh, He’s Sleeping. 

An even bigger question is: Who has really been in control for the last two or possibly three years? Let’s assume it was a group, a coalition, or, more appropriately, a cabal.  They had to keep up the appearance of a president in control while lurking behind the scenes, fulfilling their agendas, pulling the strings, and making the important decisions. 

There is one thing that is astonishingly, even blindingly clear about this unprecedented pale moonlight operation. The one person in government whom the cabal did not consult, give more responsibilities, or even ask to shoulder some of the burdens of this shadow presidency was Kamala Harris.  

It might very well be that even a diminished Joe Biden was not going to stand for Special K taking more of his spotlight. He is the president, even in name only. What is more likely is that the cabal has no respect for her potential as a leader. 

As her campaign has progressed, even with the full support of a shamelessly bias media and serious propping by social media and the DNC, she has shown but a feeble grasp of the issues and seems only able to spout canned pleasantries about bringing joy and standard issue diatribes about the evil Trump while basking in the fact that she is a black woman deserving of the job. The less said about her word salads the better. 

Just who is Kamala Harris? A product of San Francisco radical left-wing politics to be sure. She appears to stand for whatever she is told to stand for. Is there another Kamala Harris inside?  Hard to tell. There may very well be less there than meets the eye. 

And that is just perfect for the cabal.  

They have already proven that you can run a presidency without a face, under cover, and with no one really functioning at the top. Should Lady Fortune turn her back on the United States and allow Kamela to win, the cabal stands ready to serve again ... from the shadows.  

Who they serve is even more terrifying to contemplate.     

James Terminiello, author of the award-winning satire The Conscience of the C.O.D., writes from Mount Laurel, NJ 






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