Kamala lost because of Hollywood

Hollywood Elected Donald Trump  

By James Terminiello 

On the surface, this notion is absurd.  In the just-ended presidential election, Hollywood went needles over Botox for Kamala Harris. The likes of Barbra Streisand, Tom Hanks, and Cardis A and B were effusive in their limitless support. And yet, Hollywood was a major factor in the re-election of Donald Trump. 

You see, Hollywood is all about image and casting. In bygone days, if a role called for say a middle-aged alcoholic, Hollywood could summon a bevy of experienced actors to embody that character. And good drama ensued. Now that system is in tatters. Today, DEI, Black Lives Matters, political correctness, and a general orneriness about type-casting has put black men in Roman general garb, Asian women as turn of the century test pilots, and Jeff Goldblum as the Wizard of OZ!  All-in-all, unconvincing. 

And this brings us to the unlamented Kamala Harris.  

The connection between the Democrat Party and Hollywood is solid and long-standing, and it is obvious Hollywood casting consultants were consultified when it came to choosing a presidential candidate.  

Here the Democrats had befuddled old Joe Biden waving at pixies in the White House and the election was looming closer. A decision had to be made. There was Kamala Harris, already chosen by the DEI Central Committee to play the role of Vice President. She had managed to stay below the radar for 3 ½ years aside from a brief trip to the Mexican border for a cup of decaffeinated coffee.  

The consultants ran though their casting book. 

She is female. Hollywood loves modern females. Makes them 23-year-old fire chiefs, master spies who can body toss 300-pound bad guys, and javelin flipping warrior-queens in video-game-inspired superhero movies. 

She is ethnic. And even better, non-descript ethnic. Possibly Indian. Possibly black. Possibly anything they want. This is gold. Checks off so many political boxes. 

She can dance. This new category is growing in stature since all public figures today are required to dance to appeal to multiple ethnic groups. (The cherubic 4th Stooge Tim Walz is a good example) Sources report that the comic Ellen DeGeneres discovered that she could dance inanely on a half-hour talk show and save money on guests.  Brilliant! Hollywood never went back. 

She never took a serious position on anything. Excellent. She is a blank slate and can support whatever she is told to support. Ideology just gets in the way.  

She is photogenic. Top drawer stuff. Big smile, nice hair, and fills out a pants suit in ways that Hillary Clinton never could. A fashionable presidential candidate is fresh and diverting! 

The consultants came back to the Democrats and said “Push the button on Kamala” And Joe Biden got the quick hook.  

But there was one error. An error that Hollywood was constitutionally incapable of identifying and one that the Democrats hoped the voting population would not notice.  

Yes, Kamala Harris fit the bill. Youngish, vivacious, attractive, energetic, and willing to go the distance.  She left the starting gate in a mad, sparkling rush. Everybody liked the new item on the menu. A paid-for media syncophanted with gusto.  She shot into the lead.  

So, what happened?  

Nothing.  Lots of nothing.

As the weeks spun by, the voting populace began to notice that beneath the glitter of her campaign was more glitter. Beyond that, additional glitter. Glitter all the way down. And nothing else. She was substance-free. 

Hollywood and the Democrats believed that the voting populace would take to her like 14-year-old girls take to Taylor Swift. But Taylor Swift does not have to deal with inflation, a broken border, or Vladimir Putin. And no one expects her to. In Kamala’s case, more was expected by the voters and nothing was delivered. They balked. Enter Donald Trump 2.0.     

Regarding the Kamala Harris campaign, Shakespeare summed it best.:  

  It is a tale told by an idiot,  

full of sound and fury,  

signifying nothing”  

James Terminiello, author of the award winning “The Conscience of the C.O.D.” and “Junkyard” writes from Mount Laurel, NJ.  Both are available on Amazon.




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