Biden gags his own propagandists

Biden Asks His Propagandists to Tone Down the Rhetoric

By James Terminiello 


In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, President Biden has called on his supporters to tone down the overheated rhetoric they have been spewing at the former president. 


Trouble is, that’s all they have.


Let’s look at the list: 


Nazi: This accusation has been, for nearly 80 years, the classic fallback insult of anyone who has nothing of substance to say. It’s the adult version of “Your mother wears army boots!”  


Russia collusion: Dates from the days of Hillary Clinton.  It was laughable then and is even more laughable now considering that Putin invaded Ukraine under Biden’s watch. Not to mention the big money the Biden family squeezes from Ukraine. 


Rapist:  Trumps liability for sexual abuse relating to E. Jean Carroll, a bizarre caricature of a bizarre caricature, is the culmination of the Me-Too Movement. It might very well be a high point in the evidence-parched era of female revenge litigation.  


Convicted Felon:  A Democrat-funded, ultra-magnified, hit job of a crime so insignificant and inconsequential that it would have been ignored in most other cases. Done only so that Democrats could use the words “convicted felon” in nearly every third sentence when speaking of Trump. 


Threat to Democracy: A fever dream accusation that just sounds too good not to utter. Details never to follow. 


Dictator:  Served as president for four years and the republic stood and still stands. Enough said.  


Will end abortion: Quite simply, won’t end abortion. 


This is nothing new with Trump. In August of 2017, I wrote a satiric newspaper column in the Courier Post about the overheated rhetoric used against him back then. Here is an excerpt:  


Donald Trump Sank the Lusitania  

Yup, it’s true! He hopped into his time machine (found it in the basement of one of his bankrupt casinos). Then he boarded that prowling U-boat (he’s German you know) and, using his GPS, gave the commander the exact coordinates to sink the liner. In gratitude, the crew gave him the honor of the kill. Grinning a grizzly grin, he let the torpedoes fly — knowing that foreigners, including some people with brown skin, would perish in the icy waters of the Irish Sea. 

Then he zipped back to the White House for a Big Mac, pinched the bottom of a passing intern, betrayed some secrets to the Russians, and cheated his way to victory on the golf course. 

Tales all too similar to this are now the level of discourse in our infantile, fouled and overheated political climate. Not even at the height of the Watergate scandal, when commentators could barely hold back their blistering hatred of Richard Nixon, did the discourse plummet to the level of junior high school name calling. 

What was true in 2017 continues at an even more fiery pace to this very day. His Democrat detractors seem unable to challenge him on such minor issues as the open border, inflation, woke appointments, weak foreign policy, reckless spending, over-regulation, Biden’s addled brain, and the like. 


No. It’s just more of the same: Your mother wears army boots!   


Sad really. 


James Terminiello, whose sixth novel, the social satire The Conscience of the C.O.D., won the Literary Titan Gold Book Award (Fiction) writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey 




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