Putin, not Israel, is getting away with mass murder

Putin’s war dwarfs Gaza – Where are the protesters? 

By James Terminiello 

The Fog of War being, well, foggy we will not know the full body count in the two currently raging battles until years into the future ... if everNevertheless, the nearest estimated figures, as of this writing, are: 


Israel-Gaza War             50,000 casualties


Russo-Ukraine War      500,000 casualties 


These hideous numbers include gobs of non-combatants – women, children, the elderly, foreigners, the handicapped, people in hospitals, kidnap victims, aid workers, journalists. All the usual collateral victims of war. Each of these unfortunates are equally dead or maimed no matter the justifications for these conflicts. 


And speaking of justifications. Consider this: 


Israel was the victim of a sneak attack. Vladimir Putin’s war is one of choice. 


The Gaza fighters are disguised and comingled with the local populace. Israeli, Russian, and Ukrainian soldiers wear uniforms    


The Hamas leaders publicly vow to destroy Israel. Putin merely wants to reclaim territory Russia once held. Not that the Ukrainians agree with him. 


The Russo-Ukraine War is a conventional fight – army vs. army. The Israelis are trying to tweezer out the Gaza terrorists and kidnap victims from among the populace – a difficult, near impossible task.  Nor have I heard any so-called strategists who can offer a better, less brutal, way of extracting the terrorists. (The reason? There is no better way)  


Russia was, and is, in no danger of aggression by any of its neighbors. Israel is surrounded by, at best, indifference, and, at worst, active enemies 


Viewed from the perspective of an alien observer looking objectively at the follies of humankind, the vile actions of Vladimir Putin dwarf those of Israel in every category worth considering. Putin has murdered more people with less provocation, greater military firepower, and almost laughable justification than anything comparable on the Israeli side. 


And yet.

In the pusillanimous halls of the United Nations, among far too many sycophantic Democrats, in the childishly simplistic minds of some of our college students, and, sadly, among too many Muslims who think there is a difference between the death of a Muslim and the death of a non-Muslim, Israel is the greater evil.      


That same alien observer is, I am sure, quite baffled. And old Vladimir Putin is laughing into his borscht.   


James Terminiello is the author of the social satire The Conscience of the C.O.D. which will be available in June.  






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