NARCAN: The Wonder Overdose Drug the Pushers Love!
NARCAN Overdose Drug - A Love Kiss to the Pushers
By James Terminiello
The radio commercial is so benevolent. Two apparently young and earnest people discuss a mutual friend who would have died of a drug overdose at a party but for the rapid use of NARCAN. An equally benevolent voice tells us that this wonder nasal spray is available free of charge and no questions asked at your local pharmacy.
Once again, our caregiver government comes to the rescue of the irresponsible.
But it’s free of charge.
Well, no. Those are your tax dollars that are making it free of charge.
But it saves lives.
Well, no. Do you really think reckless drug users are going to learn their lesson and be extra special careful when they use drugs recklessly the next time?
But users will think twice.
Well, no. Not if there is no requirement to get drug addiction therapy after they are saved by NARCAN. The user is not required to do anything.
But drug use is so commonplace, and we must take some measures to make it safer.
Well, no. Do you really think adding a safety net is going to decrease drug use? Do you really think that being safe is top of mind when a user dives in for another high? “By gum, I could use a nice dose of that safe heroin!”
No, my friends. The slide continues. States are decriminalizing drugs all over the place. The myth that marijuana is NOT a gateway drug has been firmly planted and taken root. Now we are giving away a dose that can bring a junkie back from the brink with no consequences or degree of responsibility.
The War on Drugs was lost. Actually, it was never fought. There was too much money to be made for too many people. Now all we can do is clean up the mess we must live in.
Drug pushers of the world rejoice!
With NARCAN, your junkie will live to buy another day!
James Terminiello, author of the social satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
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