From the start, the federal goverment has ALWAYS planned to legalize the Illegals

Legalizing the Illegals – That was ALWAYS The Plan 

By James Terminiello 

Yup, they are illegal no matter what delicate and inaccurate term you wish to use. Yup, they are coming in drovesAnd yup, the efforts to stop them are intentionally bumbling and bound to fail. 


The PROs 

It is obvious that the plan is and has always been to eventually legalize them. 

Here is the fiction the government wants you to believe: 

  1. 1) Illegal immigrants contribute to lower prices of US-produced goods and services which benefits all consumers  

  1. 2) Legalization is also likely to reduce untaxed labor in the informal economy 

  1. 3) Illegals will revitalize old homes and empty communities and start new businesses  

  1. 4) Their fecundity will increase our flagging birth rate 

  1. 5) Illegals help fulfill our Diversity Equity and Inclusion goals 

  1. 6) Illegals grease the wheels of the labor market by flowing into industries and areas where there is a relative need for workers  

There is a lot more of this federal succotash out there and you can choose to believe it. Whether you do or not, what you should also weigh in the balance is the cost. It is considerable and there does not seem to be one single resource that can even give you a ballpark estimate. (I wonder why?) But that cost MUST include such insignificant factors as: 


  1. Food 

  1. Clothing 

  1. Medicine 

  1. Shelter 

  1. Police protection (going both ways) 

  1. Transportation 

  2. Phone

  1. Education 

  1. Heat/cooling 

  1. Legal services 

  1. Federal processing   

The PROS I’ve detailed are all potential. The CONS I’ve listed above are hard core, very real, and undeniable.  

The cost of the CONS must come from somewhere and I can tell you that it is the American citizens – the rich, the poor, the old, AND the disabled who are paying for it.  And we will be compelled to dig deeper. 

Remember these words: At some point the federal government will say: “They’re here. They’ve taken root. They are part of our society. We may as well make them legal.”  

As the French say: fait accompli. 

And you paid the price!

James Terminiello, author of the social satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey.  



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