Why do unqualified Democrats continue to win elections?

Unqualified Republicans Lose, Unqualified Democrats Win  

By James Terminiello 

In a recent special U.S. House of Representatives election brought about by the disgrace of George Santos, the New York Republican Party fielded a candidate that their internal analytics told them was a sure-fire winner.  Mazi Pilip was:  

A) A woman 

B) African (in this case Ethiopean) 

C) Jewish  

D) Military (Served in the Israel Defense Force)   

Why any of these points have more than a trivial relationship to her qualifications to be legislator seemed to be of little concern to the Republican wise ones. The electorate, however, disagreed and she was clobbered by a run-of-the-mill Democrat hack. 

The Republicans seemed not to have learned from 2022 when they ran the fabulously underqualified Herschel Walker for senate apparently because he was black and a football player.  They also propped up Dr. Mehmet Oz for the senate on the grounds that he had a successful television show. 

Once again, the electorate saw through these cynical ploys and turned them away handily. It seems that the voters are way ahead of the party bosses. 

Or are they? 

Dr. Oz was defeated by John Fetterman who, at the time of the election, was by his own admission suffering from mental illness. Some of his campaign speeches were of the alarming word salad variety, perfected by our current Vice President. Indeed, after his election he was hospitalized twice, including once for severe depression.  Nevertheless, the voters took a chance on him. I am reminded of the airline pilot who got on the loudspeaker and said: "Folks, I'm feeling a bit woozy today but I'm sure that once we get in the air, I'll be fine."    

Over in New York City, Mayor Eric "English as a Second Language" Adams is busy bungling the illegal alien crisis of his own makingWith each press interview he finds new ways to mangle the simplest of sentences. In the mayoral election, he defeated Curtis Silwa, master of the Mugs McGinnis brand of New York street lingo, who was merely a sacrificial goat in a town that would elect an elderly paramecium if it were on the Democrat line.   

We then come to the soon-to-be-late Joe Biden. He was clearly in his dotage back in 2020 and yet tens of millions chose to ignore the obvious and hand Joe and his handlers the presidency. The sputtering old campaigner is brazenly going for a second term even as his dotage reaches new worrying depths. And yet there are still people behind him. If you stood away from partisan politics just for a moment and looked at this with a clear eye, I think you would be amazed. 

But what does it all mean? 

Like I said: Unqualified Republicans lose, unqualified Democrats win.  

It is a sad political truth.  

James Terminiello, author of the satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey.  







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