Tampon Dispensers in Boys Rooms - Kowtowing to Transgender Politics Leads to Lunacy

Coddling Transgenders Reaching the Stratosphere of Absurdity – Tampons Available in Boys' Rooms  

By James Terminiello 


Certain states, among them Connecticut, have now installed tampon dispensers in the boys’ rooms of schools.(1) You may ask why. Here are some reasons. 

It Guarantees Accessibility: By providing tampon machines in all restrooms, schools and businesses are promoting menstrual equity. 

It Can Ensure Menstrual Hygiene Products for Low-Income Individuals 

Challenging The Menstrual Stigma: It is an oudated notion that menstrual products are strictly for women. Menstrual care is not exclusive to any gender.  

My head hurts! 

I am reminded that, for many centuries, great minds including Aristotle and Ptolemy believed that the earth was the center of the universe. It seemed quite reasonable that we should be at the center of all things, being human and all and the focus of our many deities. Indeed, models and formulae were designed to track the planets and stars based on this accepted “fact”. The models even worked reasonably well until it was proven, with brain-bouncing clarity, that the whole concept was bonkers! Reason and science prevailed and here we are with a firmer grasp of reality.  

Sadly, humans are capable of backtracking. 

Today there are intelligent, well-meaning, and overly-conscientious Americans who have decided that those with gender dysphoria, those who wish not to be pigeon-holed into one gender, and those who wish to shuttle between genders must not only be treated with respect, but they must also be coddled.  

To that end, the medical community, against all reason, has backed off any notion that mental illness plays a part in these conditions. This is supported by the fact that we really don’t know how to treat (dare I say cure?) such individuals. So, the seemingly logical course is to simply cave into their wishes and give them what they want without challenging their desires and conclusions. Or even looking deeper into their motives. It can be pointed out that treatment for transgender people is highly profitable for the medical community. Perhaps it may not just be pure fair-mindedness motivating those who are in for luxurious paydays.  

And so, challenges to what is a male and what is a female have erupted. The LGBTQ community recognized that the alphabet is far too short and simply added a + to allow the parade of sexual variations to march on to some distant OZ-like happy land. In some communities, children who might still believe in Santa Claus are getting gender-suppressing drugs. Athletic competitions and locker rooms have become social flashpoints instead of centers of competition. And to put paid on the faddishness of it all, a new study reports that over 1 million young Americans regard themselves as transgender (2). Tattoos are just so early 21st century! 

Now we’ve come to tampon dispensers in boy’s rooms.  

Aside from the sniggering and lewd comments this action practically demands, it will in no way add to a boy’s understanding of the whole process and its pivotal sexual necessity. I am in favor of free tampons for low-income people but question this rather oblique delivery system.  

And finally, only women need tampons and there is no such thing as menstrual equality. The fact that I have to say this shows how far we have run away and hidden our eyes from reason. Has the kowtowing to the gender warriors reached the level of absurdity? I don’t see how it could go any further, but ... then again.  

James Terminiello, author of the satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey.  




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