The Chaos at the Border is being Encouraged, Managed, and Manipulated by Vested Interests

Powerful Forces are Fostering the Flow of Illegals  

By James Terminiello   

The ongoing and seemingly bumbling efforts to do something, anything, about our hemorrhaging southern border make one thing very clear. There are powerful forces working feverishly to keep that border wide open and thoroughly porous.  It is also equally clear that this is not a Democrat/Republican issue.  Both sides share in the guilt. Any reasonable analysis of the situation must conclude that a wide-open border allowing millions and millions of unvetted people into our country cannot be sound public policy.  But against reason, there appears to be no will to change things.  Just where is that will? 

The laughable governmental efforts to bring order to this chaos demonstrates that a directive from on high somewhere is saying, in effect: keep shuffling the deck, engage in misdirection, never give a straight answer, deny, deny, deny, and, above all, let 'em in!  

But why?  

Alas, there are probably many reasons. Only you can judge their validity. Here are just some: 

Plain humanitarianism: It appears that large swaths of South America and beyond are the national equivalents of basket casesIt follows, for some, that the U.S. as the world’s richest nation must take in the tired, wretched, and unwantedAnd there are well funded agencies (funded by vested interests of course) that are paying the way for the illegals to walk across the length of gigantic Mexico to achieve that goal. Of course, it can be further argued that we can’t save everybody, everywhere, ad infinitum.  

Drug Mules and Sex Slaves:  There’s big money in both of these commodities, and who better to provide these services than people with no identitiesYou know this IS happening and you know the kind of people paying for it. And boy do they have the deepest of pockets. Bribes away! 

Re-defining America: There are those who want to re-define America both demographically and as a republic. A gigantic and synthetic influx of abysmally poor people will result in a bulging drag at the bottom. It will deplete the resources of the middle class who will be taxed heavily to pay for the illegals and have to deal with cuts in the services they paid their taxes for.  And it will create a massive and pliable group of new voters who will only favor those who will continue to dole out government benefits siphoned from the middle class. Naturally that same hard-pressed middle class will eventually shrink and become marginalized. The result will be a new, semi-socialist America with a tech elite at the top and a huge population of agreeable proles on the dole at the bottom.  The tea leaves are there for all to suss. The work is in progress. It is only a matter of time. 

We need low-wage workers:  The story goes that native Americans don’t want to work at low wage jobs so the illegals will fill that void. This contrasts sharply with businesses everywhere getting rid of cashiers, robotizing warehouses, automating fast food operations, shuttering brick and morter stores, experimenting with driverless trucks, etc. Those low pay jobs are evaporating into the ether. You decide if this story holds any water. 

Our birth rate is declining:  Americans are not having enough babies. We need the fertility of the illegals to replace our numbersThis, of course, flies in the face of the movement to end the wasteful use of our resources. The best way to consume less is to have less consumersWhich way do you want it?  

Government dealmaking: We know that the Biden Administration has made deals with the dictatorship in Venezuela that included injecting more Venezuelans into the U.S.  That is only one deal that we know of. There are probably others that involve trade concessions, arms, raw materials, and other needed products. No doubt that part of these packages includes hurling additional bodies northward at breathtaking speed.   

Post-COVID job boom: The impact of COVID-19 is now minimal, and jobs are plentiful. This presents a golden opportunity for the illegals to get a leg up. Of course, this can lead to decreased wages (during inflationary times no less) for native Americans. Well, sorry guysYou weren’t consulted.  And the deal is made.  

We can’t stop themIt’s a big border, we haven’t got the resources, and they just keep coming! This is a tone-at-the-top issue. It is a question of will and organization. Of course, we can stop the flow of illegals if there is a will to do so.  The will is not there.  At least not among those who are nominally our public servants. It does raise the question: Just who are they serving?  

Unlicensed weapons and a terrorist pipeline: With our guard almost completely down at the border, the only thing missing is an electronic billboard pointing the way in.  Again, high paying actors are only too glad to compensate our "public servants" to look the other way.

A Gloomy Horizon 

It is abundantly clear that, for these and other reasons, the forces that favor the ongoing flow of illegals hold sway in Washington.  Every effort to stem that tide is blunted, criticized, accused of racism, and ultimately emasculated. Even the most ardent pro-illegal must see that if this flow continues at the current pace, the nation will be changed forever ... and not for the better.  Or is that the plan?

Just when will enough be enough? I say last Thursday.   

James Terminiello, author of the satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey.  







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