Trump Dictator Accusations Are Laughable

Trump Fails The Dictator Test

By James Terminiello

Lenin. Now that's a dictator!

In the Democrat Party's increasingly desperate quest to divert attention from the sitting president's abysmal record, they have now spun their counter-offsensive wheel and landed on: Portray Trump As A Future Dictator.

Dutifully, the many Democrat operatives in the unbiased media are wringing their hands in fear and trepidation that should Trump grab hold of the oval office, the chains of dictatorship will envelope the country like a cobra and all will be lost! (Ruffle brow on cue for the camera please) 

Trouble is: Trump already served four years as president and the republic not only stood, it prospered. And freedom rang!

Here are some of the actions of this "dictator".

He was impeached ... twice! Yet none of his prosecutors were lined up against the wall and shot.

He was accused of selling the nation out to the Russians. When that house of cards tumbled no one went to jail.

He lowered taxes. Yet the opposition remains as free and vocal as ever.

He reduced regulations. Yet the pro-regulators lurk among us to this day.

He was instrumental in the Abraham Accords in an effort to bring about peace, yes peace, in the Middle East. How are things going now that the "dictator" is out of power?

He kept Putin at bay. Whoops! 

Black Lives Matters (as anti-Trump as you can get) flourished under "dictator" Trump

96% of all stand up comics made fluttering wads of cash lambasting Trump - plunging down from his orange hair and deep into his bedroom.  They continue to this day with little or no fatalities aside from a drug overdose or two.

The infamous Women's March produced hundreds of thousands of followers and the embarassing pussy hat ... and somehow the dictator allowed them all to roam free.  

Upon his election, protests erupted at colleges accross the nation and yet not one of these centers of free speech was shut down by his stormtroopers.   

In surveying the blood-draining, freedom-stifling, body-piling records of true, world-class dictators - Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Ortega, Castro, Hussein - in contrast, Donald Trump earns an F.  

Democrats, watch your language, words mean things, and next time do your homework. And young people, read your history and don't get your news from TicTok. 

James Terminiello, author of the political satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, NJ. 




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