Kamela Harris is no longer an advantage for the Democrat Party

What Do Kamela Harris and a Bucket of Warm P*** Have in Common?  

By James Terminiello 

John Nance Garner III, one of Franklin Roosevelts' vice presidents, once rated his role in government as "not worth a bucket of warm piss". (1) This is not only a rather distastful assessment, it is also dead wrong - as the Democrat Party must now realize.    

When Joe Biden decided to save the political bacon of his party in their quest to unseat Donald Trump, he knew that he needed to add some youthful balance to his ticket. And there was Kamela Harris. True, she had run a rather lackluster campaign for the presidency and had done little to distinguish herself at the podium, but she possessed two things no other contender could muster. She was female and of a demographically useful ethnicity. Add to that, she was of multiple ethnicities. Bonus points for Harris.  

The Democratic National Committee ran the analytics, and she became the choice.  

Alas, her qualifications for the vice presidency began and ended at that point. But it proved to be enough in our depressingly color-coded political environment, and she now holds the No. 2 position in the nationSince that time, the real Kamela Harris has emerged from the fog of campaigningHere are a few of her more memorable quotes: 

On the Highland Park shooting: 

“We got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to have taken this seriously,”  

On COVID-19:  

It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day.”  

On Ukraine:  

So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.” 

On climate change: 

"We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues…and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together...we will work on this together." 


Riveting stuff to be sure. Thoughts that will ring across for the ages. Time to toss out the Gettysburg Address.  As an orator, she joins the ranks of Senator John Fetterman, New York Mayor Adams, and Joe Biden as a voice to reckoned with – for those who can plumb the depths of her penetrating rhetoric.  

In her role as a tie breaker in the Senate, she has performed as well as anyone could ask of an automaton 

As the czarina sent to address that little disturbance at our southern border, she has brought order to the crisis, helped smooth the ways for the dreamers, and united the American people in wonder and appreciation. 

In short, she has proved to be something less than the aforementioned bucket 

And now, as many in his own party question Joe Biden’s capacity to finish out his current term let along campaign for and achieve a second term, the haunting and daunting possibility of a haphazard Harris presidency seems to be looming like an evil eye over a sullen and ominous dawn. 

I do hope that in the darkened and secretive halls of the Democratic National Committee, there is a healthy, robust, and active Anyone but Harris for the Love of God Subcommittee. 

I wish that committee every success.  


James Terminiello, author of the satire Junkyard which will publish on September 28, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey.  





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