Vivek Ramaswamy - A voice of reason in a fetid political environment


Ramaswamy - What's Not To Like?

By James Terminiello

I'm old enough to remember when people asked just where this upstart hick from nowhere named Bill Clinton came from. The rest is somewhat stained history. Now the seemingly petrified and calcified Republican Party might have a far better, unstained Clinton on their hands in the shape and form of one Vivek Ramaswamy. Here are just some of his bright and bold ideas:

Use the military, including drones, to secure our southern border

Biden has opened the illegal alien floodgates with no management plan or end game. New York City is a percolating shambles with an inept, barely verbal mayor bumbling along with his hand held out for more money to waste. Not one single Democrat has even suggested that perhaps the open border policy could, oh, I don't know, use a rest. 

Drill, frack & burn coal: abandon the climate cult & unshackle nuclear energy

Sorry environmentalists, the world is laughing at our costly, badly planned, and expensive energy programs; the poor and middle class are being burned everyday at the gas pumps; and Vladimir Putin is funding his meatgrinder invasion with oil money we could deny him. Energy independence would end all of that. 

Put Americans back to work: dismantle Lyndon Johnson’s failed “Great Society

LBJ's Great Society is a well-documented disaster that has led to generations of welfare families with no incentive to join the working class not to mention providing incentives for single parent households which leads directly to delinquency. It was a nice try but it is time pack it up and admit failure.

Use our military to annihilate Mexican drug cartels
We lost the war on drugs because we never took the fight to the enemy. If we could invade Iraq and Afghanistan (on bogus charges, I admit) we would have a clear conscience if we dropped in on the cartels and sprayed a few bullets and burnt their crops. No occupation force. No regime change. Just plain old commando action. Kill and blow. We know where they are. All we need to do is hurl them into the past tense. 
Move 75% of federal employees out of Washington D.C. & end pro-lazy “remote work
Oh, to make a bureaucrat uncomfortable! To quote Hamlet: "Tis a consumation devoutly to be wished." Having dealt with five too many bureaucrats in my lifetime, this idea has particular and personal appeal. And, by the way, the government just might function with a tad more efficency. That, too, would be nice. 
Mr. Ramaswamy is just bursting with great ideas like these and I hope both Republicans and Democrats will take a 2nd and 3rd look at this man. There is unvarnished reason afoot here! (Note: I am in no way connected with his campaign. I merely agree with much that he has put forth and hope he will ignite even a percentage of his plans should reason prevail in 2024.) 
James Terminiello, author of the forthcoming satire Junkyard, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey. 


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