Our Lifestyle is Being Intentionally Downgraded

We Are Being Indoctrinated To Settle For Less

By James Terminiello

There are those in our society with a socialist bent who believe that the United States has been living high on the hog for far too long, and it is time for something of a downgrade. They mask their vision with high sounding words like social justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion. And they are not asking whether the majority of our citizens agree with their communal vision. They are simply pursuing their dream of reducing our population to a needy, voiceless, and pliable mass controlled by an ultrarich, tech-heavy, and permantly-in-control upper class  

Their vision is being realized in many ways. 

What do New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and many of our larger cities have in common? There is an almost systematic downgrading of the quality of life. Waves of illegals (re-branded as migrants) are being planted in the heart of these communities with nothing to do and an abundancy of needs to be fulfilled by the voiceless and overburdened taxpayers. In New York City the illegals have been laughably planted in luxury hotels with results that you didn't need a Nostradamus to prognosticate. 

Our cities now reek of dirty streets, feculent and drug addled tent encampments, and marijuana (Sorry, I refuse to use the meat tenderized word cannabis). Shoplifting has become organized with planned mass store invasions. Quality of life crimes are no longer enforced. Nothing like urinating in the street on a hot summer day! The police forces have been discouraged from bringing in repeat criminals who are being released mere seconds after they are booked. (So, what is the point?) Taxes and nuisance charges continue to rise. Let's try congestion pricing instead of upgrading mass transit. Office towers are still at extremely low occupancy levels because no one wants the hassle, the cost, and the ever-rising crime in their lives.   

And yet extreme liberal administrations get elected and re-elected and puff on about the utopia they are creating with support from the perpetual money mill in Washington(I was taught that a perpetual motion machine was not possible, but that was when science was actually taught) And the populations seem to be accepting this downgrade with mute acquiescence.   

Far too many young people, ignorant of history and propagandized by social media, seem to think that the government merely has to print more money to solve problems(Lenin smoked that pipe dream for a while and eventually gave up) Schools have left learning far behind and are concentrating on social/sexual indoctrination. Teachers who were once limited to genuine teaching must now be co-parents, counselors, daycare workers, psychologists, dispute resolution specialists, and keepers of the flame of the ever-changing government regulations on the correct use of pronouns for their pupils. It must be exhausting. Meanwhile who needs to know anything about Galileo? And math, after all, is a racist construct.  

The entertainment world has become a tattooed, magenta-haired, freakshow where mistrust of anyone in power is mandatory. When was the last time you saw a member of the clergy portrayed as anything short of a pedophile?  Drug use is no longer evil. All cops are racist. Gay men and black women are always the sole keepers and teachers of worldly wisdom. If you need a villain he had better be a white heterosexual male or you are not going to make that film.  

So what are we seeing? The degradation of our cities and culture. The inversion of our values. And the pacification of our people who, more and more, now expect Big Brother (There! I said it!) to take care of all of our problems. 

Critical thinking has joined hens' teeth on the scarcity list.  

The paranoid in me says that this is an organized effort. Then I take out a bat and try to beat that paranoid back into the darkest corner of my mind. Of course, it does not matter if all of this is organized or not. It IS happening. And it calls for all of us to point out that sign that says oh so clearly: 


James Terminiello, author of the forthcoming satiric novel Junkyard, writes of Mount Laurel, New Jersey 



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