Inflation is licked ... on Mars not Earth

 The Shrapnel of Inflation Is Still Cutting Deep  

By James Terminiello 


You are going to hear reports that the inflation demon has finally been exorcised from the possessed soul of our body politic. These reports will come from that portion of the media that seeks to defend and support the economic machinations of our current ruling elites. These reports will be couched in statistics that “prove” that the worst is over. (1) 

The great British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said: “Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” His wise words continue to resonate over the years. Should anyone try to convince you that the shrapnel of inflation is no longer digging into our corporate flesh, here are ten things to wheel out in your counterargument. And there are many more.

  1. Visit a supermarket with $100 and measure how far it goes. As a side note, pay careful attention to the repackaging (read downsizing) of everything from cookies to yogurt in an attempt to maintain near-buyable price points. 
  2. Try and rent an apartment 
  3. Attempt to buy a new or used car at reasonable terms 
  4. Rake the bottom of the sea to find a cheap house with an affordable mortgage (Those without roofs may still be bargains) 
  5. Enroll in a college (and duck!) 
  6. Visit a gas station (There is a defunct one near my home offering a Trump era $2.29 per gallon sale. Ah, golden times!) 
  7. Book a hotel room (You may not be able to eat)  
  8. Attempt to go to a professional ball game with a family of four and try to escape without your wallet suffering the equivalent of a sexual indignity 
  9. Get a haircut 
  10. Hold your breath when opening your electric/gas bill. 

Should that anyone still hold to the propaganda that inflation is licked, you can safely assume that said individual is either dead, thinking-impaired, or a Democrat. Only the first two conditions can be forgiven.  

Author James Terminiello, whose latest book “Junkyard” will be published in the Fall, writes from Mount Laurel, New Jersey 



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