The road to legalized prostitution is being paved with soft words
From Prostitute to Sex Worker - The Next Step is Obvious By James Terminiello In many professions - doctor, criminologist, investment advisor - it is often wise to look for patterns and trends to get a better indication of what may be on the horizon. Word patterns can also provide an eye on the future. You may have noticed that the term illegal alien has been displaced by migrant or dreamer. Less accurate? Of course. But far more palatable for those whose goal it is to forcefully alter the demographics of this nation for political purposes. In the same way, the word marijuana was too much of a throwback to Cheech and Chongian days when grass was the province of the potheads of the world. To better sell it to the mainstream it now bears the vaguely medicinal moniker of cannabis. And we now see the full might of mercantile energy being unleased to sell cannabis in every form short of car polish... at least for the moment. Now for the next word pattern. In news...