The Chaos at the Border is being Encouraged, Managed, and Manipulated by Vested Interests

Powerful Forces are Fostering the Flow of Illegals By James Terminiello The ongoing and seemingly bumbling efforts to do something, anything, about our hemorrhaging southern border make one thing very clear . There are powerful forces working feverishly to keep that border wide open and thoroughly porous. It is also equally clear that this is not a Democrat/Republican issue. Both sides share in the guilt. Any reasonable analysis of the situation must conclude that a wide-open border allowing millions and millions of unvetted people into our country cannot be sound public policy. But against reason, there appears to be no will to change things. Just where is that will? The laughable governmental efforts to bring order to this chaos demonstrates that a directive from on high somewhere is saying, in effect: keep shuffling the deck, engage in misdirection, never give a straight answer, deny, deny, deny, a nd, above all, let ' e...