
Showing posts from June, 2024

How to stay sane in an election year

Simple Way s of Preserving Your Sanity in an Election Year   By James Terminiello     "This is your captain speaking. We are no w at 36,000 feet and making our slow descent to Election 2024. Please fasten your seat belts and secure your oxygen masks. It is going to be a bumpy ride. A VERY bumpy ride!"     The presidential election is now within sight. And if you think the rhetoric to date has been overheated , vulgar , and explosive , consider this accusation ...     “ Pimp of the White House ...   A man sunk so low we can hardly hate. We have nothing but disgust, pity, and contempt ” (1)     Was this said about Trump, Biden, Kennedy? Nope. It was a diatribe hurled at  President Frankl i n Pierce in 1855 . Two - term President U.S. Grant was deemed a “drunken trouser-maker ” and “as brainless as his saddle.” A bullet prevented Alexander Hamilton from a run at the presidency but not before John Adams labeled him a “bastard b rat of a S cotch peddler.”     Clearl