
Elon Musk Asked to Tackle Goverment Inefficiency

Trump Taps Musk to Head a Government Efficiency Commission   By James Terminiello     Candidate Donald Trump has suggested th at, if elected, he would ask firebrand entrepreneur Elon Mu sk to head a “Gover n ment Efficiency Commission . ”   As laudable a goal as that might seem , the timing of Trump’s announcement is politically foolish .  There is not one bureaucrat, assistant to a bureaucrat, bedmate of a bureaucrat, or contractor to a bureaucrat who does not know that the federal government spends money like a fleet of drunken sailors, only with much less self-control.  Trump ’ s notion alienates a whole class of people (read voters) who know that their cashflow might be in jeopardy should Mu sk be unleashed.      And if Trump only lost a bit of his ear to a would-be assassin, there might not even be a Musk ian ear lobe left should h e incur the wrath of the bureaucracy.      In another time and place (the 1970s and 80s to be exact ) onetime Senator William Proxmire